- Masaharu Yoshioka, and Shinjiro Hara: Construction of an In-House Paper/Figure Database System Using Portable Document Format Files. In Information Search, Integration, and Personalization: 10th International Workshop, ISIP 2018, Dimitris Kotzinos, Dominique Laurent, Nicolas Spyratos, Yuzuru Tanaka, and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi (eds), pp. 142-156, Springer-Verlag GmbH, CCIS 1040, 2019.
- Masaharu Yoshioka, Tao Zhu, and Shinjiro Hara: A multi-faceted figure retrieval system from research papers for supporting nano-crystal device development researchers. In The Proceedings of the First International Workshop on ScIentific Document Analysis (SCIDOCA 2016), The Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, Short paper 2, 2016.
- Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, and Shinjiro Hara: NaDev: An Annotated Corpus to Support Information Extraction from Research Papers on Nanocrystal Devices. Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 554-564, 2016.
- Thaer M. Dieb and Masaharu Yoshioka:
Extraction of Chemical and Drug Named Entities by Ensemble Learning Using Chemical NER Tools Based on Different Extraction Guidelines. Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining,
Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 61-76, 2015. - Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, Shinjiroh Hara, and Marcus C. Newton :
Framework for automatic information extraction from research papers on nanocrystal devices. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,
Vol. 6, pp. 1872-1882, 2015. - Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, and Shinjiro Hara :
NaDev (Nanocrystal Device development) Corpus Annotation Guideline. Hokkaido University, Division of Computer Science, TCS Technical Reports,
TCS-TR-B-15-12, 2015. - Krallinger, Martin and Rabal, Obdulia and Leitner, Florian and Vazquez, Miguel and Salgado, David and Lu, Zhiyong and Leaman, Robert and Lu, Yanan and Ji, Donghong and Lowe, Daniel and Sayle, Roger and Batista-Navarro, Riza and Rak, Rafal and Huber, Torsten and Rocktaschel, Tim and Matos, Sergio and Campos, David and Tang, Buzhou and Xu, Hua and Munkhdalai, Tsendsuren and Ryu, Keun and Ramanan, SV and Nathan, Senthil and Zitnik, Slavko and Bajec, Marko and Weber, Lutz and Irmer, Matthias and Akhondi, Saber and Kors, Jan and Xu, Shuo and An, Xin and Sikdar, Utpal and Ekbal, Asif and Yoshioka, Masaharu and Dieb, Thaer and Choi, Miji and Verspoor, Karin and Khabsa, Madian and Giles, C and Liu, Hongfang and Ravikumar, Komandur and Lamurias, Andre and Couto, Francisco and Dai, Hong-Jie and Tsai, Richard and Ata, Caglar and Can, Tolga and Usie, Anabel and Alves, Rui and Segura-Bedmar, Isabel and Martinez, Paloma and Oyarzabal, Julen and Valencia, Alfonso:
The CHEMDNER corpus of chemicals and drugs and its annotation principles. Journal of Cheminformatics,
Vol. 7, Suppl 1, S2, 2015. - Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, Shinjiroh Hara, and Marcus C. Newton : Automatic Annotation of Parameters from Nanodevice Development Research Papers. InProceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (Computerm), pp. 77-85, 2014.
- Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, and Shinjiroh Hara: Automatic Information Extraction of Experiments from Nanodevices Development Papers. In Proceedings of The 3rd IIAI International Conference on e-Services and Knowledge Management (IIAI ESKM2012), pp. 42-47, 2012.
- Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, and Shinjiro Hara: Construction of Tagged Corpus for Nanodevices Development Papers. In Proceedings of The 2011 IEEE International Conferece on Granular Computing, pp. 167-170, 2011.
- Masaharu Yoshioka, Katsuhiro Tomioka, Shinjiroh Hara, and Takashi Fukui : Knowledge Exploratory Project for Nanodevice Design and Manufacturing. In iiWAS ’10 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application & Services, pp. 871–874 , 2010.